
Quinn Kelly is a Jesus-loving wife, mother of four and writer as well as the creator of Sanctification and Spitup— a blog designed to encourage women to find God’s goodness in the everyday moments of motherhood and life.

As a pastor’s daughter, Quinn was raised in the church, and at the age of 12, she gave her life to Christ. As she grew, Quinn felt God leading her to pursue her love of writing.

In 2006, she graduated with a Public Relations Degree from Kansas State University. After working just one year in journalism, Quinn felt called to go back to school.

A few years later, just nine months after having her first son, she graduated with her master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Friends University.

Since that time, Quinn has worked in private practice, focused on growing her blog and more recently pursued raising four little boys to have hearts that love Jesus, which is often messy and loud. Using her love of Jesus and therapy, Quinn leads bible studies, writes, and speaks in an effort to make every woman feel God is ready and waiting to sanctify them in even the most mundane moments of their lives.  

In 2018, Quinn felt called to begin a new movement called Renew. It began as a Women’s Conference that quickly developed into a movement. Quinn’s prayer is to continue with Renew as a Conference and now as a Podcast in order to continue helping women (and men) find renewal and sanctification.

Throughout the last six years, Quinn’s writing has been featured on Today Show’s Funniest Parents, Scary Mommy, Family Share, Love What Matters, PopSugar, Huffington Post, Baby Chick and Mother and Baby Australia.

✨ Always. Jesus.
🛴 Wife + Boymom (x's 4)
⌨️ Writer | Speaker | Therapist 
🎧 Host of @renewyoupodcast 
🌸 Founder of @renewfaithconferencetx

You can find Quinn on Facebook & Instagram or at:

Jesus is LIFE!
I love my family!
Dancing daily is my therapy.
Chaos is my normal.
Coffee is necessary.
Chocolate is a must.